Clasification of custumers of internet services, using data mining algorithms
Subject Areas : Technology Managementfarid norozi 1 , hamed kazemipoor 2 *
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Keywords: Information and communications technology Bandwidth Clustering Classification ,
Abstract :
Nowadays, the role of customers has shifted from followers of the producers to guiding them.That is why the classification of customers in targeting and customizing services and prioritization of companies products on the basis of profitability makes great help. Internet service providers in the market, are competing with a lot of competitors because investing in on communications and internet services are profitable.In order to progress in the market, it is necessary to offer new services and innovation.To get broader share of the market, the internet providers has got to have sufficient knowledge of the market and customers, retain existing customers and attract new customers.By classifying and clustering its customers, and while identifying and supporting its active and beneficial customers, such companies can remove their offbeat customers from services providing cycle.Using data mining algorithm, this research detecting and identifying of such customers, make the internet service provider closer to their goals.
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