Position Of Intellectual Property Rights In The Support And Development Of Nanotechnology
Subject Areas : Intellectual ownership and management of intangible assets
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Keywords: Nanotechnology lawnanotechnologyintellectual property rightstechnology lawindustrial property,
Abstract :
Intellectual property is a right that gives its owner the exclusive benefit of human activity, thought and initiative, which itself is divided into various branches such as literary and artistic property rights and industrial property. Compared to other goods and products, the product of human intelligence has four characteristics: 1- First, it is a direct result of the work of human thought; 2- Second, this product falls into the information category; 3- Third, this smart product is not wasted by consumption; 4- The fourth is that it is easily supplied and can be reproduced. These features make the owner of such a product can not control its use and is easily lost. In fact, the economic value of an intellectual creation is due to its rarity and scarcity that if a number of people do not support and achieve it and exploit and use it, the mentioned value will be lost or at least reduced. In the legal system of Iran, several laws have been passed regarding the protection of intellectual property, which are very incomplete and rudimentary in comparison with international laws and need to be amended and supplemented. Nanotechnology has created new legal issues in the field of rights and intellectual property. Some of these issues may be resolved by existing laws or by controlling and modifying the nanosphere, but we may need to enact new laws to control the nanosphere.
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