Analysis of Start-ups Based on the Achievements of Academic Research from the Perspective of Resource-Based Approach
Subject Areas : Technology Management
Amin Pazhohesh Jahromy
Javad Pour Karimy
Yaughob Entezary
Amir Naser Akhavan
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2 - University of Tehran
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4 -
Keywords: University-Based Start-ups Achievements of Academic Research Resources Resource-Based Approach,
Abstract :
The aim of this study is to analyze the achievements of university-based start-ups using resource-based approach and answers the question of why are some academic start-ups more competitive and may have greater survival. Academic entrepreneurs are involved in the early stages of business creation, with a decision on the funding crisis facing. The study of important factors decline young companies, often leads to a lack of resources in the early years of formation. The Awareness about the relationship between resources and their role on survival of academic research-based companies in the early years is critical. This article seeks to identify the relationship that leads to more accurately understand the phenomenon of the commercialization of academic research achievements. Since the structure of start-ups based on the achievements of academic research is not something different from the structure of other start-ups and one of three forms of service oriented, Product oriented and Intellectual asset oriented start-ups, the research using library research (Meta-synthesis), concludes that access to human resources and technology and enterprise resource scarcity on campus, explain the success of academic Service oriented and Intellectual asset oriented start-ups and the failure of Product oriented firms. This led to the establishment of academic Service oriented and Intellectual asset oriented start-ups.
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