Criminal Entrepreneurial Behavior: Literature Review
Subject Areas : Entrepreneurship and Mnagement of Knowledge-based Firms
Mojtaba Nahid
Roghayeh izadi
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Keywords: Entrepreneurs Criminal Business Organised Crime Criminal Organization Crime Strategy Illegal Market,
Abstract :
Entrepreneurs play an important role in the economy in order to identify opportunities and to exploit their economic and social needs of the production process and purse market driving. While entrepreneurship is normally researched as something positive, this paper illustrates the dark sides of the construct. This conceptual research paper applies entrepreneurship literature to generate new insights into entrepreneurship in organized crime and entrepreneurs in criminal organizations. Criminal entrepreneurship is found in organized crime, where criminal entrepreneurs choose to organize a criminal business enterprise in order to exploit illegal market opportunities. Entrepreneurial opportunities can be exploited in a variety of ways, depending on strategy and available resources. As organised crime is growing locally as well as globally, law enforcement agencies need to develop their understanding of strategic criminal entrepreneurship. Based on perspectives in this paper, the dark side of Entrepreneurship needs to be further explored within both the legitimate and illegitimate business sector in the local as well as global perspective in future research.
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