The Study on Research and Technology Park Policies and its Effective Factors Case Study: NexGen Aviation Research and Technology Park
Subject Areas : Knowledge Management
Ali Haji Gholam Saryazdi
Manochehr Manteghi
سید سعید هاشمی
1 - Tarbiat Modares University
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Keywords: Technology, NexGen Aviation Research and Technology Park, Rich Picture.,
Abstract :
the Next Generation Aviation Research and Technology Park (NexGen ARTP) is established to meet the present and future aviation needs of USA and develop this industry. The Park, established in 2008, is in an agreement and lease with the South Jersey Economic Development District covering 58 acres of FAA property located at the William J. Hughes Technical Center. Thus, this paper aims to introduce NexGen ARTP and investigate the park and its policies. Also, we are offering positive leverages to top managers and policy makers of aviation technology park in Iran. In this paper, after the park introduction, we are drawing rich picture of Nexgen ARTP in order to analyse it. The Finding of Analysis includes the impacts of Federal Aviation Administration, William J. Hughes Technical Center and members; incubator and start up SMEs; park development on the New Jersey economic district development, nation, and aviation industry; universities and research centers on park. Eventually, we are extracting effective leverages and important points that include park location and external environment, collaboration, government supports, funding and precise studies and planning.
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IASP International Board, Science Park(IASP Official Definition). 6 February 2002. Site:, 2002.#