A Comparative Study of Approaches and Implementation of Knowledge-Based Economy and Providing Suggestions for Iran
Subject Areas : Investigating the optimal situation of technology growth in the country and how to achieve it
Kiarash Fartash
Mohammad Reza Attarpour
Amirhadi Azizi
Ali Asghar Sadabadi
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2 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
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Keywords: Knowledge-Based Economy, Innovation, Development, Development Approaches, Iran,
Abstract :
In this paper, a comparative study of the history and different approaches of knowledge based economy as an influential concept in promoting national resilience and sustainable development in Iran and several selected countries (from developed and developing countries) is discussed. In this regard, while comparing policy making in different countries to establish a knowledge-based economy, we offer lessons learned for Iran to achieve a knowledge-based economy. One of the most important points drawn from the study of countries as joint focus points is the specific and sometimes unique nature of knowledge-based economy development policies in each country with regard to the industrial and technological context of each country. Accordingly, policies that have led to the development of a knowledge-based economy in a developing or developed country do not necessarily lead to similar results in other developing or developed countries, and may even have devastating economic consequences. It should be note that knowledge-based economics is not limited to advanced technologies. The main factor in achieving knowledge-based economics, in addition to advanced technologies, is focusing on innovation as the axis of enhancing productivity of economic activities and competitiveness that can span a range of activities. Include low and medium technology additionally, coordination and integration between players, especially policymakers and government players (institutions and organizations) at the highest levels is an essential requirement for the realization of a knowledge-based economy at national level.
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