The Role of IoT Technology Features in Perceived Value Creation, Intention to Advertise and Continue to Receive Customer Services at Sepah Bank
Subject Areas : Technology Development Infrastructures and Supporting organizations
Yaser Ghasemi Nezhad
hamidreza fallah lajimi
Ahmad Sheikhol-Islami Tonekaboni
1 -
2 - Assistant Professor / University of Mazandaran
3 - Department of Information Technology Management, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Value Creation, Internet of Things, Information Technology, Sepah Bank,
Abstract :
The use of IoT in the banking industry leads to the provision of various banking products and services to customers. New digital innovations, including the Internet of Things, have also created a competitive market for banks, and banks need to adapt their practices accordingly. Therefore, in the present study, value creation with IoT technology was investigated in Sepah Bank. For this purpose, the statistical population of this research includes 130 employees of all departments of the information technology department of Sepah Bank. Using Morgan table, the number of statistical samples of this research was 86 people. For inferential analysis of data obtained from standard questionnaires, based on Balaji & Roy research (2017), the correlation method based on structural equation modeling with partial least squares approach and SPSS and SmartPLS software were used. The results of the study showed that the perceived excellent performance had a positive and significant effect on the shared value creation and the intention to continue receiving services from the Internet of Things, as well as the perceived aesthetic demand on the perceived value creation and excellent performance of The Internet of Things and the intention to continue receiving services and the intention to verbally advertise has had a positive and significant effect, as well as the intention to continue receiving services has a positive effect on the intention to verbally advertise customers, but perceived ease of use and perceived existence do not have a positive effect on perceived shared value creation.
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