Critical success factors of startups based on modern technology; A systematic review
Subject Areas : Science and Technology Parks and Incubators
Nasser Safaie
Saeid Zamani
1 - 1. Assistant Professor
2 - ُُStudent
Keywords: Startup, modern technology, key factors, success, failure,
Abstract :
Today, start-ups are considered as a part of the important and key socio-economic groups in the economies of different countries. Meanwhile, statistics show that more than 80% of startups fail in the first year of their establishment. Identifying important success factors in starting startups reduces the risk of failure and thus increases their chances of success. The present article is a review-library study on the key success factors of startups based on modern technology. Today, startups are an important phenomenon in the world economic community. The process of formation and change of this phenomenon over the years is examined in this research and an attempt has been made to provide a picture of the most important issues in the think tank of startups, which confirms the change and evolution of this phenomenon from 1984 to 2022. For this purpose, by searching the articles of reputable world journals and filtering them based on the subject of this research, 159 articles were finally selected. In the next step, the meaning of startup success was extracted and expressed by researchers and the success factors were divided into three categories: organizational, individual and external. These variables were identified in 46 different categories and presented in the attached table. The results of this research will help the founders of startups to take a more open view of establishing and scoring their company in a competitive market.
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