Evaluation of the factors affecting the acceptance of Sepeh Bank with the technology acceptance model 3 and the structural equation approach
Subject Areas : Technology Management
Ali Haghi Nojehdeh
hoseyn Teymorzadeh
mansour esmaeilpour
1 - Sepah Bank Banking Manager
2 - Sepah Bank Banking Manager
3 - Faculty of Azad University, Hamadan branch
Keywords: Behavioral intention, usage behavior, bank companion, banking industry, information technology,
Abstract :
The inclusive growth of information and communication technology has had a significant impact on the banking industry. Providing banking services to customers through mobile phones is one of the latest technologies. Evidence suggests that using mobile-bank among the customers of banks is expanding. The aim of this study was to evaluate the factors affecting the acceptance of Sepah Bank with the technology acceptance model 3 and the structural equation approach. The basis of the descriptive research method was correlation test, in which the statistical population of Sepah Bank customers was determined. Also, a researcher-made questionnaire with a reliability of 0.89 according to Cronbach's alpha was used to collect data. Based on the research findings, it was observed that mental norm has an effect on perceived utility. Effectiveness has an effect on perceived utility. Perceived pleasure affects perceived ease of use. Mental normality with the role of voluntary mediator affects the intention of behavior Perceived pleasure with the role of mediator Perceived ease of use affects perceived usefulness. Perceived ease and perceived usefulness affect behavioral intent. Ultimately, behavioral intent influences usage behavior Therefore, the factors affecting the acceptance of Sepah Bank with the technology acceptance model 3 require research because the examination of these factors will help bank managers to respond to the needs of customers by improving the provision of banking services and move towards acquiring more resources by reducing costs. Use your marketing strategies to improve the quality of mobile banking.
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