Analysis of Factors Affecting the Success of Startups using Meta_Synthesis
Subject Areas : Entrepreneurship and Mnagement of Knowledge-based Firms
maryam darvishi
Parvaneh Alasvand Bakhtiarpour
1 - omidiyeh azad university
2 - omidiyeh azad university
Keywords: Success of Startups, Start-up Business, Meta_Synthesis.,
Abstract :
start-up is a new business that offers an innovative solution to a problem; start-ups are an integral part of the transformation and evolution process in the expanding world market today. While there is no guarantee of success for this business through the proposed solution. Many consider startups as a new culture for new ideas and creativity beyond existing ideas aimed at solving existing problems in key areas. The purpose of this research is to provide a comprehensive, pervasive, and integrated information model of the success factors of startups. To this end, by employing meta_synthesis approach in this research, the results and findings of previous researchers were analyzed, and by examining comprehensive studies on the success factors of startups in reputable domestic and foreign scientific bases, 52 articles on this subject were identified. The research results classified the success factors of startups into 6 main themes and 17 components. The main themes include: Strategy and Policy (business model management, goals and plans, vision and strategies), Innovation and Entrepreneurship (innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, dynamic entrepreneurial capacity, innovation and entrepreneurship culture), Service and Product Management (marketing and sales, customer satisfaction, quality and quantity of products, production methods), Resources (financial resources, human resources), Technology and Knowledge (knowledge management, technological infrastructure), and Technological Infrastructure (the role of government and relevant institutions, the role of financial institutions and investment, international environment), each of which is further elaborated with identified components.
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