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    Guidelines for Compiling Full Paper:
    The journal welcomes articles in full-length expositions of extensive and significant experimental or theoretical studies. The papers are peer reviewed and are accepted on the basis of technical accuracy, importance, and readability.
    For preparation of manuscripts, consult recent issues of the journal for general style. Manuscripts should be typed double spaced (one side only) on A4 paper with Times New Roman font point 11. Each page should be numbered. It is suggested that the authors prepare their manuscripts in the following manner.

    - Title, names and addresses of authors
    - Abstract (or Summary)
    - Key Words
    - Introduction (of Theoretical)
    - Results and Discussion
    - Conclusions
    - Acknowledgement (if required)
    - References

    Formats may vary with the author's preference, but the typing, equations, figures, tables, notation, and literature citations should conform to those for papers.
    The electronic copy of the manuscripts should be submitted to roshdefanavari@gmail.com. There are no page charges.

    Title: Use specific and informative titles; they should be as brief as possible, consistent with the need for defining the subject area covered by the paper and retrieval purposes.

    Abstract: The abstracts should be a clear, concise summary (no more than 300 words-with no abbreviations)-informative rather than descriptive- giving the scopes and purpose, methods or procedures, significant new results, and conclusion.

    Key Words: Up to five key words should be provided on the title page.

    Authorship: Be consistent in authorship designation. Use first name, second initial, and surname. Give complete mailing address of place where work was conducted. If the current address is different, include it in the footnote on the title page. The name of the author to whom inquiries about the paper should be addressed should be marked with an asterisk.

    Text: The text of articles submitted must be concise and in a readily understandable style. The technical description of the methods used should only be given in detail when such methods are new. The essential contents of each paper should be briefly recapitulated in an abstracts.
    Assume the reader is not a novice in the field. Include only as much history as is needed to provide background for the particular material covered in your paper. Sectionalize the article and insert appropriate headings. Do not use footnotes in the text.
    All typescripts (including the references) must carefully be checked for errors before submission. Failure to observe this may result in some delay in publication.
    Type all equations and formulas clearly, and number equations consecutively. Place superscripts and subscripts accurately. Structural formulas should be submitted as drawings.
    All symbols used must be clearly defined. If the number of symbols used is small, it is permissible to define these in the text where they first occur. It the number is large, a separate table of notations must be prepared. Roman symbols should be listed in the tables first, then Greek. Should any symbols be handwritten, they should be clearly identified in the margins the first time they are used, as should ambiguous typewritten symbols such as the number 1, the letter l, the number zero, or the letter O.
    Systems of Units: Should follow the System International Units for all dimensional quantities.

    Figures: The figures should be carefully designed and prepared in a form suitable for direct reproduction. All lettering should be prepared by high-quality printer and be of a size that can be read after reduction. Label the axes outside the graph properly. Number all illustrations consecutively. Supply typed captions and legends on a separate page. Original drawings (or sharp prints) of graphs and diagrams and glossy prints of photographs should be provided when the manuscripts is submitted.

    Tables: Avoid tables and graphs that involve superfluous duplication of data. Substitute a few typical results for lengthy tables when practical. Number tables in order of mention the text.
    Supplementary Material: Manuscripts occasionally include extensive tables, graphs, spectra, mathematical material, or other "supplementary materials" that are of value primarily to those readers who need all the data in detail. Refer to the supplementary materials in the text where appropriate and include a paragraph at the end of the paper indicating the nature of the supplementary materials, using the following format: "supplementary Materials Available: Description of material (No. of pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page".

    Literature Cited: References should be listed on a separate sheet in numerical order according to Ieee standard. Typical citations are illustrated: http://www.ieee.org/documents/ieeecitationref.pdf

    [1]  K. Author, “Title of chapter in the book,” in Title of His Published Book, xth ed. City of Publisher, Country if not USA: Abbrev. of Publisher, year, ch. x, sec. x, pp. xxx–xxx.

    Authors will receive page proofs for correction when their contribution is first set, but there is rarely time for further proofs also to be sent for checking. This will be done, however, where the amount of alteration makes it advisable.
    Copyright/Reprints: If a manuscript is accepted for publication, exclusive copyright in the paper shall be assigned to the publisher. The publisher will not put any limitation on the personal freedom of the author to use material contained in the paper in other works.
    The publisher of ROSHD - e - FANAVARI (Technology Development) and its editors assume no responsibility for statements and opinion advanced by contributors.

    Guidelines for Preparing Abstract:
    A person reading the abstract should be able to tell quickly the value of the report and whether to read further. In many cases, more people will read the abstract than will read the entire report. Thus, the abstract has the dual function of supplying information to those who will read the entire report and to those who will read nothing further of the report.

    The abstract ought to be a suitable literary adjunct to the printed paper. It should be written after the paper is completed and should be consistent with the statements in the paper. To some extent the abstract will repeat wording in the paper, but because it is sometimes read immediately before the introduction or other main sections, it should include the following:

    1. Reason for doing work, including rationale or justification for the research.
    2. Objectives and topics covered.
    3. Brief description of methods used. If the paper deals mainly with methods, give basic principles, range, and degree of accuracy for new methods.
    4. Results.
    5. Conclusions.

    The abstract also should call attention to new items, observations, and numerical data. Abstracts should be informative. Expressions such as 'is discussed' and 'is described' should rarely be included. Specific rather than general statements must be used, especially in the methods and results sections of the abstracts. For example, do not say 'two rates of P' but say 'rates of 40 and 80 kg of P ha.'

    The abstract should not exceed 250 words for full-length papers and 100 words for notes, and is not divided into paragraphs. It should not include bibliographic, figure, or table references. Equations, formulas, obscure abbreviations, and acronyms also are inappropriate. The scientific names of plants, insects, etc. full chemical names, and identification of soil (if the soil type is a factor in interpreting the results), must be included in the abstract when the common names are first mentioned.